Review of Evil Dead 2013 Full Movie HD Yify version. There's no way i should have liked this movie, and definitely no way it should have been in any way worthwhile, a remake (which isnt quite a remake) of my favourite horror movie ever, c;early updated for no other reason than to appeal to a soul dead generation of automated morons who for some reason cant bring themselves to watch anything made more than a decade ago, no Bruce Campbell, an almost surgical removal of any trace of the hilariously brain damaged, dark humoured lunacy of the classic trilogy and instead replacing said joyous dementia with an air of utterly grim, bleak doom.
Crazy as it is, and against all odds, this movie fucking rocks just a little, despite having no right at all to do so. Evil Dead 2013 works because of one real reason, a single-minded commitment to relentlessly grimy, nasty extremity. But beyond that there are many other reasons, firstly Jane Levy, an ever underrated actress who flits effortlessly from comedic roles to more serious and dramatic ones on the turn of a dime and here she is way more impressive than given credit for as the massively put upon ex-junkie Mia, Levy is incredibly intense and utterly committed in the role, going from screaming cold turkey victim to terrifying, cackling demonic antagonist and finally to a bruising, blood drenched, badass final girl who could make a great foil for Ash is they ever joined forces in the mooted cross over, she is always covered in snot sweat, blood, puke, tears, and dirt and goes to much more dramatically challenging places than you usually see in mainstream horror, in short someone give the lady more roles, by now she should have been in something big and multi oscar nomed.
The rest of the kids are pretty bland mind you, with a blandly good looking, sensitive dude, a slightly frosty girl, a girl who was clearly given as few lines as possible for a good reason and the usually really good Lou Taylor Pucci as an obnoxious, one note twat who causes all the chaos by reading from the new "book of the dead" (no face on this one) and then proceeding to have a go at everyone else for the rest of the movie for the very thing he unleashed, the thin dialogue doesn't help either. One interesting kink in this films plot is it's refusal to be a typical "kids go partying in a cabin in the woods and get offed", scenario, here Levy is a recovering herion addict and has come to the cabin with her friends not to knock back the brews and have a ribald good time but to go full cold turkey off the drugs with the support of her brother and friends, the interesting thing is that her spiralling state of mind and erratic behaviour as she is getting the smack out of her system coincides with her being demonically possessed in a neat metaphorical connection that also gives the movie a good reason to keep them there as her friends initially think that its just the effect of coming off the drugs. A better director would admittedly have done more with this cool twist on the old demonic possession tropes and all lined Mia's battle towards recovery with her battle towards getting this evil entity out of her and becoming fully herself again, it would seem a fairly obvious throughline but the movie does nothing with it sadly.
What the movie does do is drag you through the mire, and soak the screen with blood, gore and grue, it's a full on grim ordeal of a survival horror flick, and there has rarely been such unrepentantly graphic violence and nastiness depicted in a bigger budgted mainstream horror movie, eyes are stabbed with needles, arms are explicitly sliced and sawn off in extreme close-up, a character attempts to cut her own face off, a tongue is unbearably sliced down the middle with a box cutter, the commitment to sadistic, viciously extreme brutality and all round grotty unpleasantness is admirable and exciting to see for a hardened gore-hound who likes to have his boundaries pushed and his first for the red stuff satiated and rarely gets to see such things on screen anymore in the era of Blumhouse's bloodless (but cool) pg-13 stuff. This is also a really fucking well made horror movie, the cinematography is gorgeous, as is the set and production design, the score moody, creepy and classical and the make up and gore effects are just fucking outstanding, like Savini good. So it does miss the original trilogy's sense of cartoonish madness and filmmaking invention run wild, it's still a terrifically hardcore R-Rated splatter flick in the most pleasingly old school way, especially the insane blood covered climax, which is an all-timer. If you are going to remake a classic, at least have the balls to go all out and do it like this.
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